Mijke Sessions 1

Mijke Ketting

Certified Medical Intuitive

Energy Healer | Aura Reader | Integrative Coach

Types of Session Available with Mijke

Mijke Sessions 2
45-Minute Quantum Soul Scan SEssion with Mijke

Session 30-Minutes, Preparation 15 Minutes. Mijke connects with your soul, channels its origin and determines your soul family. During the session we see what is blocking you living your soul purpose. Soul wounds are healed and soul contracts are cleared to realign you with your Soul purpose and mission on Earth.

45 Minutes Session $150
Mijke Sessions 3
20 minute Powerful Cosmic Turbo healing for you or your pet

In this 20 minute session Mijke focuses on 1 specific issue. She uses a channeled Cosmic High Frequency energy to clear as much blockages as possible. She supports you to turbo start your healing. This session can be for you or your pet. Also perfect as a gift for a friend or loved one!

20 Minutes Session $99
Mijke Sessions 4
Cosmic Quantum Vitality Booster

Mijke uses unique Cosmic and Earth frequencies to help and support you to break through your blockages and facilitate your healing. Mijke combines all of her many modalities in an unique Quantum Healing approach. Your personal one-on-one session will be a very effective and customized process to support your immune system. During the session Mijke will bring in your guides as well as her own guide team. Mijke works with the Order of the Galactic Felines of Light and will guide you through a special process to recharge, rebalance and boost your immune system. Together we will clear as many blockages as we can so you can experience a healthier, happier and more joyful life.

Cosmic Quantum Vitality Booster Package A $147, Package B: $197
Mijke Sessions 5
Fat Burner and Weight Loss Mastery Package

Pre-session 25 minute scan
Pre-session 20 minute energy clearing
Light Language MP3
Silent version of the Light Language mp3
Personal 30 minute one-on-one session

Mijke connects to your Cosmic energy field to facilitate healing by working with a special high speed healing frequency and light language. Mijke works on multiple dimensions, connects to the Crystalline energy of the earth and the energies of Galactic beings, such as the Dragons and the Galactic Felines of Light. She shares light language messages as needed. She offers each client a unique and customized approach.

Fat Burner and Weight Loss Mastery Package $177
Mijke Sessions 6

Personal one-on-one 30 minute
Light Language mp3 (Silent version of the Light Language mp3)
Pre-session remote clearing session of 15 minutes
Masterclass on chakra healing with Moonstone energy

Mijke will use 5th dimensional energy and cosmic light energy to get to the root cause of your problems and to help you heal your issues with the pancreas as fast as possible.

Mijke will help you to sort out the root causes of the problems you have with your digestion, immune system, gallbladder, lower back, blood sugar levels, insulin production, stress release and ancestral karma.

Any of these causes can affect the healthy state of your pancreas in a negative way. Mijke will also scan your body to see why it stuffs up emotions, does not release weight or resists healing.

5th Dimensional Quantum Healing Package $199
Mijke Sessions 7
SACred Heart Health transformation package

Remote pre-session scan of % of heart flow blockage.
Check if there is a heart wall.
Clearing trapped emotions related to your Heart Center.
You will receive a list of emotions that were cleared.

In this personal one-on-one Cosmic Healing session we work together to revive and restore your heart center and heart flow. I will activate the Cosmic Heart Spark for you to propel you forward on your life path. We will work with what comes up for you relating to your physical and/or spiritual heart. We bring forth what is most important for your well-being and what you need to move forward. During the session Mijke will bring in your guides as well as her own guide team and will guide you through a unique and special process to ignite the Cosmic Heart Spark for you. Together we will clear as many blockages as we can so you can move forward with more ease, peace, joy and happiness.

Sacred Heart Health Transformation package $177
Mijke Sessions 8
Shift Your ShAdow, shine your light package

This package focusses on creating a healthy balance between your SHADOW and your LIGHT. The release of excess negative energy from your Shadow enables you to finally live in your full expression of life. Trapped emotions are cleared and light language supports your healing. Check package details in the link below.

Shift Your Shadow, Shine Your Light Package $177

Mijke is authentic, focused and caring

Mijke healed me remotely. I had enormous energetic problems, had no more than 20% of my normal energy and couldn’t do my work or any daily things. Mijke cleared my chakras and Hara line. The next morning I woke up as if my energy problems didn’t exist anymore. The funny thing was that I normally use my reading glasses to make my breakfast and that I forgot to put them on. It was only later that I realized that I was doing without them. Even my sight was clearer than before, wow! Mijke is authentic, focused and caring.

Re-empowered me and put me in the light again

With great loving care and attention I received a healing from Mijke. She did not know anything about me or my background but nevertheless noticed what caused my energy to leak away. She re-empowered me and put me in the light again. Thanks to the healing I came home to myself and my energy started flowing again. I love it that I can feel the energy bubbling inside me again. Now I only have to be careful not to go forward too fast. Thank you dear Mijke!

Forever grateful!

The past seven months, I have been feeling low on energy and not in touch with my feelings at all. I was feeling numb and not able to feel joy or grief. Since Mijke helped me, it has felt as if a gigantic weight has fallen off of me. Last night, when with friends, I laughed so hard, I cried. I couldn’t remember the last time that happened. I am so grateful she took the time to help me feel so much better. I recommend everybody to do a session with her! She is calm, kind and very emphatic. It is so easy to feel a connection with her, due to her ability to tune in on your energy and the various techniques she uses in a session. Forever grateful!

Felt grounded, solid and warm

Mijke healed me while I was recovering from Covid-19. While working on me she encountered various energy blocks which she cleared. After the healing I felt grounded, solid and warm. I suffered from a left foot injury (which I didn’t mention by the way) and in the feedback Mijke told me she encountered a blockage on my right side which she cleared. After the healing I could stand on my left foot again. I am grateful for her help and her respectful and supportive healing! Thanks Mijke!