Quantum Body Awakening Certified Medical Intuitive Course – 4 pay
From: $1,250.00 × 4
As a certified Medical Intuitive, you’ll help people transform their lives through full-body healing. Whether to enhance an existing healing practice or as a brand new opportunity to develop your healing abilities, Dipal Shah’s Quantum Body Awakening Certification Program will give you the knowledge and skills you need to become an empowered and successful healer.
The Quantum Body Awakening Medical Intuitive Course Includes the following:
✔ Level 1 and Level 2 Self-paced course modules
✔12 On Demand Level- 1 Videos (In Class Setting)
✔12 On demand level -1 Videos (Dipal only)
✔11 On Demand Level- 2 Videos (In Class Setting)
✔11 On demand level -2 videos (Dipal only)
✔ Deep Dive practice on students and clients
✔ Educational Supporting video Library
✔ 8 One on One Live Mentorship Sessions with Dipal
✔ 12 Dana DeAngelis’s Mindset Interactive Coaching Pre recorded Videos 30-45minutes each
✔ 12 Mijke Ketting’s Coaching Calls Level 2 only (pre-recorded videos) 30-45 min
✔ Opportunity to provide Healings on Dipal’s Private Fb Page (approval required)
✔Opportunity to work with Live Volunteers
✔ Medical Intuitive Certificate for Level 1 and Level 2 Quantum Body Awakening
✔ Unlimited Lifetime Access to the Course
When You Register You will Receive 8 Special Bonuses:
Bonus 1:
Empowerment and Self Love Meditation
Bonus 2:
Take Is Your Energy Wired for Success Quiz
Bonus 3:
2-20 minute Healings Sessions with Dipal
Bonus 4:
Purification of the 5 Elements to greater health and wellbeing (Video)
Bonus 5:
Online Healing Retreat Recording
Bonus 6:
Access to the QBA Medical Intuitive private facebook group
Bonus 7:
Learn to tone Video
Bonus 8:
Additional Monthly Deep Dive Group Practices