5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 1

Be the Master of Your Fate!

Your pancreas no longer needs to dictate your genes.

Accelerate your healing through the 5th dimensional healing portal

with the Guidance of "Medical Intuitive" Mijke Ketting.

5th Dimensional Quantum Healing

Discount 75%

Total Value: $708

Ananda4Life Special Offer

From: $99.50 × 2

2 Pay Option Available

No Refund

Mijke is a very experienced Master Healer and Medical Intuitive who has the ability to

access the 5th dimentional portal using quantum frequencies

to get the best results for her clients

To help you heal chronic health concerns she will

  • 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 2 Use the pancreas to access the 5th dimension
  • 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 2 Unlock the gateway to a transformative 5th dimensional healing portal
  • 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 2 Release negative energy in your pancreas to accelerate your healing
  • 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 2 Channel light language to bypass the conscious mind
  • 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 2 Work with the energies of the Galactic Felines of Light
  • 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 2 Clear the necessary ancestral karma
  • 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 2 Strive to go to the root cause and beyond


The 5th dimensional quantum healing was a no brainer for me! I feel much lighter than I did prior to the healing session with Mijke and I feel in alignment energetically, don't miss the opportunity of a lifetime to feel better in your body, it's a terrific experience. Mijke is a breath of fresh air, she's beyond gifted and she listens to help, thank you Mijke! ~C.W. December 2023

WOW, such a big change. It would never have happened without your help, Mijke. It was amazing, since your clearing was done last time, my partner was really different on the positive side. I observed many changes, and most importantly, he is much better at controlling his anger. ~Z.M. September 2023

After the healing I'm standing straighter—less hunched up. Light-headedness is gone. Thank you so much! ~J.M September 2023

Last night, and today , my husband and I had a very pleasant time together. Definitely something big had shifted. Also, since you worked on his mother last time, she has had no complaints or medical problems anymore and even her relationship with the family improved and is smoother. ~Z.D. September 2023

I so appreciated having an opportunity to work with you today. Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! I look forward to integrating this all! ~J.B. August. 2023

Thank you for all the love and light you bring into my life. ~I. S. August, 2023

In this multi-faceted and robust package, Mijke Ketting will bring through powerful cosmic light energy to swiftly delete low vibrational limiting beliefs, genetic imprints, traumas that are created by your ancestors residing in your pancreas. Once you are aligned to source energy through the pancreas you will be able to connect with your authentic self and expression, tap into abundant love, health and Joy. The radiant light you will experience will open the floodgates to harmonize your pancreas and bring overall healing to your body

You live 99% of your life on autopilot, and your subconscious mind is the one in charge, controlled by the ancestors imagine finding the freedom, happiness and healing that you can have at your fingertips.

If you're feeling stuck and overwhelmed with emotions and you've tried everything to change your current situation, spending all your time and money doing different techniques and processes, but nothing works, THEN THIS IS FOR YOU.

Mijke will use 5th dimensional energy and cosmic light energy to get to the root cause of your problems and to help you heal your issues with the pancreas as fast as possible.

Mijke will help you to sort out the root causes of the problems you have with your digestion, immune system, gallbladder, lower back, blood sugar levels, insulin production, stress release and ancestral karma.

Any of these causes can affect the healthy state of your pancreas in a negative way. Mijke will also scan your body to see why it stuffs up emotions, does not release weight or resists healing.

5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 9

If you experience the following

The 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing program is for YOU!!!

5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 10
  • Digestive issues?
  • Nutrient deficiencies?
  • Nausea and vomiting after meals?
  • Increased thirst?
  • Frequent urination?
  • Unexplained weight loss?
  • Fatigue?
  • Blurred vision?
  • Depression and anxiety?
  • Persistent pain in the upper abdomen?
  • Discomfort, mild or severe radiating to the back?
  • Pain that gets worse when eating or lying down?
  • Malabsorption and problems with the stool?
  • Insulin production irregularities?
  • Pancreatic Cysts
  • Immune system disorders
  • Elevated blood sugar levels?
  • Gallbladder symptoms?
  • Change in appetite?
  • Fever or chills?

These long-standing issues that have been handed down through the generations in your family can be transformed. The physical and mental health challenges that have affected your parents, grandparents, and even your children don't have to be dictated by your pancreas and YOU can create your own destiny!

Mijke's Intuitive Gifts Have Helped THOUSANDS…

Here Is What This New Revolutionary Program will Help you Achieve:

5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 11
  • Radically improve the health of your pancreas and heal the underlying issues
  • Feel more vitalized, fit, and energized
  • Finally, get to the root cause of your problems with your blood sugar
  • Address the blockages and limiting beliefs that are causing your problem with the pancreas
  • Engage in a more active lifestyle
  • Release all the stuffed emotions, ancestral karma, and dense energy that affect your pancreas
  • Heal the ancestral line and protect your children while taking the first step of healing yourself

Eliminate the Blocks That Are Embedded in Your Cells!!

You will have all the support you need from Mijke

Here's what’s included in the package

ITEM 1: Personal one-on-one 30 minute 5th dimensional healing session


Mijke will help you to sort out the root causes of the problems you have with your digestion, immune system, gallbladder, lower back, blood sugar levels, insulin production, stress release and ancestral karma.

ITEM 2: Light Language mp3 (With Silent Version)


Channeled light language mp3 with powerful 5th dimensional energy to support the pancreas and the release of all energy that is blocking your healing. Silent version of the light language mp3.

ITEM 3: Pre-session remote clearing session of 15 minutes


Prior to the session Mijke will scan you remotely to see to what energies you are holding on to that prevent you from having a perfect healthy pancreas. She will clear your auric field before the session of interference, blockages and negative energies. Mijke will remotely clear the most important blocks and programs out of the subconscious mind, the energy bodies and the energy system. This is the ultimate preparation for the session and makes it possible to work on a very high energetic level during the session


ITEM 4: Pre-recorded Masterclass on chakra healing with Moonstone energy


Moonstone is useful with problems and disorders specific to liver, pancreas, stomach, and spleen. It is good for activating your creative and intuitive power and to help you get in tune with your true emotions. It can help balance and cool down your emotions and tension. It's also known for helping to cleanse the blood, eliminate toxins and improves the digestive system.

5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 12

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

5th dimensional quantum healing

Discount 75%

Ananda4Life Special Offer

Total Value: $708

From: $99.50 × 2


No Refund


Thank you for the healing!! All in all your healing really helped so much. I know a big shift has occurred as I had a powerful dream!! I took my power back and I experienced more solar plexus chakra healing and of course as you picked up in the other sessions I felt the healing of the stomach, spleen, liver and kidneys!! So grateful for your work and gifts! ~S.B. June 2023

This was an amazing session and I’m still feeling wonderful! Can’t thank you enough! ~T.S. May 2023

Thanks for the helpful session. I can still feel the effects! I am walking better after you cleared the energy from my right knee. It hadn't felt really secure when putting weight on it. Still walking with a cane but it is better, more stable. ~S.E. March, 2023

I’ve felt lighter, clearer, & happier since our session this morning. I am grateful. 😊 ~R.P. March, 2023

I can’t speak highly enough about Mijke! She’s amazing, compassionate and knows her stuff!! Simply amazing!! ~N.L. March, 2023

Thank you so very much for such an amazing session. I have never felt such a powerful shift as I did while you were working with me! ~K.K. February, 2023


Mijke is a multidimensional energy healer, reader, channel and medium. As a Certified Medical Intuitive, Akashic Records Reader, Emotion Code Practitioner, Aura Reader, she has a unique and customized approach to help her clients. The messages that channel through her tend to guide the healing in a way that best supports the client to break through their blockages, speed up their healing process and get clarity on their life’s purpose.

She has a very practical and hands-on approach. She assists clients in areas such as optimizing relationships, dissolving limiting beliefs and stuck patterns, facilitating change, clearing trauma, transmuting fear to faith and healing from grief and loss

Mijke connects to a Cosmic energy field to facilitate ascension by working with a special high speed healing frequency and light language. She works on multiple dimensions, connects to Cosmic frequencies and the Crystalline energy of the Earth. She shares light language messages as needed. Mijke has had an extensive career as an executive coach and manager and is an expert in what drives and motivates people. Mijke also loves to work with animals to aid them in their healing and to share messages with their families.

5th Dimensional Quantum Healing - Mijke Ketting 13

Refund Policy:

  • No refunds will be issued after the purchase

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  • Our Website is not intended for children under 18 years of age. No one under age 18 may provide any information to or on the Website. If you are under 18, do not use or provide any information on this Website, make any purchases through the Website, use any of the interactive or public comment features of this Website or provide any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address or any screen name or user name you may use. We encourage all parents to talk to their children about online safety and to monitor their children’s use of the Internet.
  • The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.Furthermore, please continue to see your regular provider and follow their advice. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or if you have any other medical condition. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. We never share your e-mail address with any third party.
  • Dipal Shah does not make any promises about the results of her session or MP3s. From a Spiritual perspective the individual’s body drives the healing. Although, Dipal’s work is very effective and has helped many people you are responsible for your own health’s journey.

Consumer Notice:

  • Dipal Shah is not responsible or liable in anyway for your health condition, including financial, past , present, or future including those of family members. You are fully responsible for your health. As a consumer you are certifying that you are mentally and emotionally capable of intelligently making such decisions.